Here are the resolutions for 2013, some of them might seem familiar, I’ve strived for a few of these goals every year.
1. Lose weight and exercise more. My brother is getting married this August, and his fiancée asked me to be a bridesmaid. I'm happy to do it, besides standing up in front of the crowd of three hundred in a dress that shows all my curves (including the bad ones) I really want to be in the best shape possible for the event. Then I'll eat cake.
2. Write more and faster. Ideally I'd like to write 6-8 new works (or at least complete the works I've already started). But we'll see what happens.
3. End a series. I have the first draft of Dirty Work, the last in my Naughty Holiday List. I definitely want to finish revisions on that project this year, and sadly put an end to this series and characters that I love. Luckily I think I'll have a few other characters to keep me company.
4. Start a few new series. I currently have a submission out for a new series, and have my Bound By Fairytales series releasing this month with Total-E-Bound, but I'd love to have a few going if I can. I have a few more plans and I'd love to get them moving.
5. Learn better how to focus on writing and not get distracted by issues in the Evil Day Job or fun, like TV, movies and books. I’m not sure how I'm going to accomplish this, but I’d really like to find a way to make improvements.
6. Learn to balance multiple projects better. I'm horrible about balancing projects. I usually just work on one, but then I can have a large lag time between projects as I reacquaint myself with the characters. If I can balance projects better I wouldn't have the lag time any longer.
7. I'd like to read 40 books. I'd definitely like to read more, but I don't want to set an unrealistic goal. And wanting to write more probably means less reading.
So what are your resolutions? Do you have any plans for this bright New Year? What are you looking forward to in 2013?