As many of you might have noticed, I've been having a bit of a writing slump. This has occurred for a few reasons, changes in the industry and some changes in my own personal life that have been keeping me down. But as much as some of these changes have been hard to deal with, I've been trying to take my time to write better works, with more detailed and in depth characters. And I think it really shows in this work.
In my opinion, McKenna is one of the most fascinating characters I've written, layered and difficult and so vulnerable in places it almost makes me hurt.
But don't you worry, Sawyer and Chris will be getting their time in the sun too. I'm currently in the process of writing two more books in this series (so anyone who wants to know what happens after book one, just stay tuned, its on the way) and in those books I'll definitely be delving more into Sawyer and Chris's background, which is only hinted at in the first book.
Until then, I hope you'll pick up a copy of Sensual Sabotage today. If you enjoy reading it half as much as I enjoyed writing it, you're in for an amazing good time.