I’ve created two impromptu rules for this November, we’ll see if they hold up the whole month or not. One rule is that I’ll write the first 1667 words on a
current work in progress. After that I can start writing on something new. The point of this Nanowrimo for me is to try and finish up some works in progress, and get a few stories ready to submit for early 2014. Having a hundred works with a couple thousand words on them doesn’t help with this goal. So far I’ve only been working on one WIP, but I expect the closer I come to the end, the harder it will be to keep going with the same story and the more tempting a shiny new idea will be. So I hope this rule will keep me working towards my end goal of new completed works at the end of November.
My second rule is that once I hit my words for the day, I have to exercise. I’ve been horrible about exercising for the past month, and with it being Nanowrimo time, it’s just another reason to not take care of my health. But the truth is, with all this writing I’m doing I do need to spend some time exercising and working out my muscles, instead of sitting on my butt. It’s good for me, for my writing and for my mind. So once I hit my Nanowrimo words for the day, I will exercise. I’ve picked this stopping point in my writing for two reasons. One is because if I hit my words, I can afford to take the time, oppose to being behind. But it will also encourage me to exercise, since most of the time once I hit that many words I’m in the zone and I will want to keep going. I’ll get up and do my exercises quick, so I can get back to my work.
I didn’t manage to work out on day one but I did day two and hope to continue the tradition. During the week will be hard, but I think I can do weekends, and that’s better than nothing.
Total Nanowrimo word count: Second Chance at a Cheerleader - 3931