At my Evil Day Job, we have an event called the December Close Out. The idea is to move as much product as possible and make a big profit for the month/year. When I was in the sales force, I had to work it and push product big time. It’s a win/win for us and our customers. We get to move product off or books and increase our profits for the year, and they get a good deal. Now that I’m in finance I have to close out the financial books for the year, which is its own kind of chaos, but I’ve gotten off topic.
This December I plan to have my own close out. A writing close out. I want to get as many projects completed and pushed out the door as possible before January 1st.
My plan is already in practice. Wandering is currently with an editor, and I have a few more projects close to completion. I have a short story I wrote a while ago, entitled Snow Day, which I hope to send to a publisher by the end of the week, whether I can get a critique partner to look at it or not. I have two other short stories I want to finish revising and send to publishers, two trailers in the middle of completion and of course Hunter and Madison’s story to finish (my nanowrimo project). And I have another project I want to work on that I’d love to submit to Carina Press for a submission call they have. Due in March.
It’s a hefty load, especially with all the other blogs and programs I’m doing, plus Christmas shopping and the day job, but I’m going to do my best to get as much done as possible and start filling up my 2012 release schedule. And it will help that this year I’m going to take my first ever full time writers vacation.
A full time writer vacation is just what it sounds like. For my vacation I’m going to act like a full time writer. Which means this December (starting either the 21st or 22nd depending on how much vacation I have left for the year) I plan to promote, rewrite and revise like it’s my job, literally. And to work on my writing career for at least 8 hours a day (I’m going to time it :D) every day but Christmas and New Years Eve. So that should help me get some of these projects done. And help me end this year with a bang.
Wish me luck!!