I'm over at Sweet'n'Sexy Divas today talking about my recent experience at the RWA conference last month and how it is shifting my goals. Stop by to find out exactly what changes I've decided to make, in order to reach these new goals and force myself further out onto the ledge.
In honor of pride month I'm listing out my favorite LGBT couples. Stop by to find out what couples I really love and why, and let me know what your favorite LGBT couples are. There are certainly a ton more that could make this list, and thankfully the number keeps growing each year. I'm over at Sweet'n'Sexy Divas today, talking about how I'm using gamification to improve my health. Gamification is the progress of using rewards to encourage people (or in this case myself) into doing difficult or arduous tasks.
Stop by and check out how I'm using this concept to improve my health and how you can do the same. I'm over at Sweet'n'Sexy Divas today talking about all the special events I have going on this month. Stop by to get the 411 on everything that I've got cooking for March. I'm over at Sweet'n'Sexy divas today talking about refilling your creative well.
Last year I had a fantastic year writing wise, but it also left my creative well really dry. It has taken me a while but I think I finally discovered what the problem was. Stop by find out how I'm refilling my creative well and how I discovered exactly what was missing. Its my day to blog over at Sweet'n'Sexy divas today, and today I'm talking about all the details you can learn about me from my writing. Some of them are intentional, but most aren't. They are just the little silvers of me that get imprinted in each book without me even realizing it. The parts of me that show up in my characters relationships, in each dinner table, in all my heroines.
Stop on by to see what you can learn about me just by reading my writing. Hopefully a few of them will be a surprise. Today I'm over at Sweet'n'Sexy Divas talking about critique partners. A good critique partner is hard to find, and it definitely takes a lot of work to get one that works well with your needs and your writing, but a good one is worth your weight in gold (especially when you are just starting out).
I list the traits most needed in a critique partner, at least for me. Stop by and let me know what you look for in a critique partner and how best to find a good one (that has always been my biggest issue). I'd love to hear your thoughts. Its my day over at Sweet'n'Sexy Divas today and I'm blogging about making small steps towards your goal.
This year has been a bit slower than I would like, and as a goal oriented person that's hard for me. But I'm working on appreciating the small steps. Stop by and offer me a little encouragement for my new self care progress. This year I had the pleasure to attend the RWA national convention and I heard Suzanne Brockmann's amazing speech about inclusion in romance first hand. Listening to her words got me to thinking about how I could be more inclusive in my own work, but it also got me thinking about what I'm not willing to write about.
I'm over at Sweet'n'Sexy diva's today talking about what I absolutely will never write about. These are things that I just can't stomach every writing into my books, for the hero, the heroine or the villain. Stop by and let me know if you agree. Are there some things that shouldn't be written about in romance? And what are they? Since my brain is focused on getting ready for this year's RWA conference, I decided to write a blog about what I learned from my last conference experience that I'm applying to going to this years conference. Along with some helpful hints about how to get the most out of your conference experience.
Stop by and let me know if you have any tips you've learned from going to conferences or similar events. |
Willa EdwardsSpicy Erotic Romance Author and Life-Long Book Lover Get my blog posts sent to your email![]() Archives
August 2019