This series dedicated and inspired by the Heroes that exist in our everyday lives. From the soldier that helps to protect our freedom abroad, the police officer that keep our streets safe, to the everyday hero that has no idea they are even going to be a hero before it occurs.
These novels deal with the very real possibility that in the course of doing their Heroic duty many of these Heroes end up being hurt, maimed and some are even killed. This stories deal with the after effects of one of these such falls and how you can rebuild have your world's been thrown off center, which all of use experience, whether physical like these heroes or of a more emotional nature.
While concluding that everyone deserves love, regardless of what they've been through and how it’s changed them, there’s a place for love and redemption in everyone's heart.
These novels deal with the very real possibility that in the course of doing their Heroic duty many of these Heroes end up being hurt, maimed and some are even killed. This stories deal with the after effects of one of these such falls and how you can rebuild have your world's been thrown off center, which all of use experience, whether physical like these heroes or of a more emotional nature.
While concluding that everyone deserves love, regardless of what they've been through and how it’s changed them, there’s a place for love and redemption in everyone's heart.